This weekend
is an opportunity to experience tantra deeply and to learn the Kashmiri
tantric massage (as taught by Daniel Odier) or to deepen this massage.
The online workshop offers a safe space, to meet yourself and others and to
make a deep spiritual experience.
We listen to the space of the heart and its qualities. We connect the
space of the heart with the space of the pelvis and its energy.
In the Kashmiri massage the whole body gets touched in a sensual way,
without staying longer at one part of the body.
The basis of Kashmir massage
is relaxed abdominal breathing. This massage allows you to reach your
innermost core, your internal calm. It allows you to experience a deep
sense of security and oneness. Kashmir massage can be extremely healing
and is very close and sensual. It is slow, allowing a different perception
of time and space than many of us are used to. Time stretches, existing
is only the moment and sense of security of being touched by eternal
The workshop consists of Kashmiri tantric massage, Tandava, dance meditations,
breathing exercises and tantric breathing circles.
The essence of the massage is transmitted, you learn positions of the massage
and special trigger points which let the energy in the body flow and release blocks.
On this weekend our SPECIAL FOCUS is massage of the palate, opening of the throat chakra, connection betweenn mouth and Yoni/Lingam.
Sabine Sonnenschein is a student
of Daniel Odier since 12 years; she is giving tantric bodywork since 14 years.
Recognition of aham (the divine, true self) can happen spontaneously.
Oneness with eternal space becomes tangible. We embrace and envelop
each other in a spatial dimension. We are able to let ourselves submerge
in absolute love, if we free ourselves from inner limitations.
The massage is based on the slow dance meditation Tandava, which starts from breathing. Sounds support us in reaching, extending into the space and thereby experiencing our true dimension. We experience
dance and touch as meditation, which opens transpersonal and spiritual
Intimacy with your partner is provided during the online workshop.
Exchange with the other couples will take place in dancing and talking.
We sense ourselves and our sexual energy in
a space of attention, security, love, and respect. The
base of an encounter is to sense yourself, to feel your physical
body and the subtle energies and emotions in yourself, and consciously
deal with your personal boundaries and taboos. You decide, whether you want to respect your boundaries in a loving way
or experiment with them or transcend them.
For receiving a massage as a gift and devotion, a feeling of security is important and clearity that the giver is respecting the boundaries of the receiver.
A safe space is provided in this online workshop. Your partner will appreciate, if you are clear about your boundaries.

Photo (c): Robert Peres
Participate with your partner/s!
Please wear clothes, in which you can breath and move easily.
The workshop is held in German
and English.
Sabine Sonnenschein:
Per person: € 210,-
Reduced price on request.
Photo (c): Jesse Johnson
is clinical sexologist (sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel). She teaches tantra and dance.
She lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life.
She supports people to get aware of themselves, to sense their bodies and themselves and to have a healthy and blissful (sexual) life.
She has been teaching at international tantra as well as dance festivals, like Tantra Festival Ibiza, Tantra & Sexuality Festival Poland, Open Heart Festival at ZEGG close to Berlin, Touch & Play, Art of Sex Festival, Xplore, Contact Festival Freiburg, ImPulsTanz Vienna, Contact Festival Austria.
Often she combines tantra with the dance form contact improvisation, teaching internationally, especially in Vienna, Freiburg and France.
Since 11 years she is a student of Daniel Odier: Non-dual Kashmiri tantrism, Kashmiri massage (yoga of touch). Studied "Vijnana Bhairava Tantra" with Dr. Bettina Bäumer (Varanasi).She has training in tantric full body massage (AnandaWave/Michaela Riedl/Cologne). She was introduced to yin yang massage by Andro, has studied pelvic massage by K. Ruby and lomi lomi. She made the physiotherapeutic training BM Balance (prevention and therapy of problems in the pelvis, bladder, prostate).
As a coach she works with sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel. She gives tantric bodywork and womb dialogues for women. She is working together with Günter Touschek (AT), Benno Enderlein (DE), Manuela Blanchard (CH) and Déva Presence (Mexico). With FloZif (FR) she holds Tantra Experience Paris for women, lesbians and trans*.
She is freelance choreographer and dancer since 1992.

is gestalt therapist in education and yoga teacher. Engaged in tantra since 2009 (Art of Being, Skydancing, Daniel Odier, Sabine Sonnenschein, among others) . He's working with Sabine Sonnenschein since 2011. Looking back on a long and successful career as tournament dancer, he's been getting into the dance form contact improvisation, studying it extensively all over the world and began teaching this form in 2011. He's teaching social dances & contact improvisation.
VIENNA, October 16th - 18th, 2015:
"Dear Sabine and Flo,
....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thank you for this weekend!
You both created such a warm and save place with us to explore such
amazing and beautiful treasures.
The way you build this up step by step little by little is very helpful
and makes it easy to follow and move further.
I am deeeeeeeply touched and very grateful for this experience.
much love :-)
T. (female, 41 years old)
"Thanks again for a wonderful workshop this weekend!!
I enjoyed it so much: dance, mediation and massage!! The massage was
SO much more intimate than I'd ever imagined. An amazing experience
Much Love, E."
E. (female, 34 years)
(c): Robert John Peres