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Tantra Experience Vienna II

Workshop for women, lesbians, transgender people
with some experience in tantra
with Sabine Sonnenschein (AT)
Assistant: Flozif (FR)

November 18th-20th, 2016
Neubaugasse 44 /staircase 2 / top 12 , 1070 Vienna

Friday November 18th: 7 - 10 p.m.
Saturday Novemer 19th: 11 a.m. - 10p.m.
Sunday November 20th: 10:30 a.m. - 7p.m.

Photo: (c) Emilie Jouvet

This workshop offers a deepening in tantra and Kashmiri tantric massage for women and trans*, who have experience in tantra and /or took part in Tantra Experience Vienna before.
In 2013 Sabine Sonnenschein and FloZif created this workshop for women, lesbians and transgender people in Paris. 2015 it took place the first time in Vienna and was a big success. This workshop provides a save space for women, lesbians and transgender people, to deeply meet themselves and experience their own sexual energy and power.

The elements of this workshop are: tantric breathing exercises, breathing circles, dance, Kashmiri tantric massage and meditation.

Photo (c): Paola Calvo

We sense our sexual energy in a space of mindfulness, secureness, love and respect. We exchange with the others in dancing, breathing and in Kashmiri tantric massage. We will experiment and have fun! If you are interested in a research for yourself in a group, you are absolutely right in this workshop.
This workshop is free of heteronormativity (which is often found in classical tantra) , this workshop provides empowerment and embodiment
You will experience, how conscious breathing, tantric breathing circles, qualities of touch and massage will help you to experience deep connection and widen up your concept of gender roles. These exercises enable you to build up a huge amount of sexual and spiritual energy and power in confidence.

We learn to let energy flow through the body or to direct that energy where we want to have it.
We deepen the tantric Kashmiri massage!

It is quite important to connect your space of the heart with your sexual center.
We finetune our senses for encouters in the very moment. You will get aware of your body, your breath, your emotions, the space around you, the others and their energies. A space of listening to each other is created. You are invited to get aware of your personal limits and taboos and to look at them with a loving eye. You might preserve them, experiment with them or, if you like, transcend them.
We share our experiences, respecting our personal limits, boundaries and vulnerabilities. You practice awareness in contact with others, responsibility for yourself and empathy for others.
You can come alone or with partner/s. Solo attenders will find partners for the exercises and the massage amongst each other.
For participation it needs some experience with tantra.
Please wear clothes, in which you can breath and move easily.

The workshop is in German and English.

Photo: (c) Emilie Jouvet

Sabine Sonnenschein:


Normal price: 200€
Reduced price, on request: € 150.-

On request

FOKUS, Neubaugasse 44 /staircase 2 / top 12 , 1070 WIEN


Photo (c): Jesse Johnson

offers womb dialogue and tantric bodywork since 2006 in Vienna. She is clinical sexologist (sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel), tantra teacher (since 2010), free-lance choreographer and dancer (since 1992); she lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life.
Her workshops are about the discovery, healing sensing and honouring of the womb or about the connections of Tantra and the dance form Contact Improvisation. She teaches for example at Studio Keller and Micadanses in Paris, ImPulsTanz Festival in Wien or Schwelle 7 in Berlin.
Her philosophical-pornographic film "heteronom 1" was shown at European film festivals, for example at the first PornFilmFestival Berlin, 2006. In 2009 she organised together with Brigitte Wilfing "symposion pornonom" focussing on post-porn film: Lectures, performances, screenings and a lounge.


She is well-known in the Paris lesbians and queer scene. She organizes the PlayNight, a Party for GirlZ and trans' as well as arty and underground cultural events. She also takes part in PostP* movies and works in connection with different artists. For more that three years, she has been in charge of sessions about women and lesbians sexuality (Berlin, Utrecht, Paris, Marseille...). Her work focuses on gender and alternative sexualities.
She practises dance and mouvement sensoriel in Paris and also Tantra meditation. She was Sabine Sonnenschein's assistant at Schwelle7 in Berlin for two workshops of "Contact Improvisation based on Tantra", before she created Tantra Experience Paris in 2013 together with her.

FEEDBACK received for TANTRA EXPERIENCE VIENNA, October 16th - 18th, 2015:

Dear Sabine and Flo,

....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Thank you for this weekend!

You both created such a warm and save place with us to explore such amazing and beautiful treasures.

The way you build this up step by step little by little is very helpful and makes it easy to follow and move further.

I am deeeeeeeply touched and very grateful for this experience.

much love :-)


T. (female, 41 years old)


Thanks again for a wonderful workshop this weekend!!
I enjoyed it so much: dance, mediation and massage!! The massage was SO much more intimate than I'd ever imagined. An amazing experience <3

Much Love,
E. (female, 34 years)


Liebe Sabine,
ich möchte mich bei Dir und Flo für das tolle und für mich absolut spannende Seminar herzlich bedanken. Ihr war großartig!!
Ich habe es sehr intensiv, spirituell und gleichzeitig sehr physisch erlebt. Vielleicht ist das mein erste Schritt auf dem Tantra Weg:
Ganz liebe Grüße
U. (weiblich,49 Jahre)


Liebe Sabine,

Ich wollte mich den langen Reihen der Umarmungen und Rückmeldungen am Sonntag nicht mehr anschließen, aber ich möchte mich bei Dir bedanken für den schönen Begegnungsraum, den Du für uns aufgemacht hast. Für mich war es ein sehr stimmiger Bogen, in dem Du uns schrittweise zusammengeführt hast und ich habe mich wirklich noch nie in einer Gruppe so wohl gefühlt. Du hast mit wunderschönen Übungen dunkle Stimmungswolken verscheucht oder uns Ausdrucksräume für Emotionen gegeben und ich habe es sehr bewundert, wie Du uns alle in einer Schlussrunde gelandet hast, bei der eigentlich jedeR mindestens ein Geschenk mitgenommen hatte, obwohl wir in der Früh teilweise noch erschöpft oder düster gestimmt waren.

Ich war sehr beeindruckt von der Unterschiedlichkeit der Begegnungen und habe viel über mich und meine verschiedenen Möglichkeiten mit jemandem in Kontakt zu sein gelernt. Ich kann besser in der Berührung hinhören und bin noch immer am Staunen darüber, dass man mit jemandem über den Energieraum dazwischen aus der Distanz in Kommunikation sein kann. Ich weiß noch nicht richtig wie ich das mit meiner é